Украинским военным придется покинуть свои позиции в Курской области до весны следующего года, иначе они рискуют попасть в окружение ВС РФ.
The main idea from the Bloomberg article is that US officials predict Ukrainian forces will be forced to withdraw from their positions in the Kursk region by spring 2024.
This is due to an anticipated intensification of Russian military operations in the area. The officials say that if Ukraine doesn't withdraw before then, its troops risk being encircled by Russian forces.
The main idea from the Bloomberg article is that US officials predict Ukrainian forces will be forced to withdraw from their positions in the Kursk region by spring 2024. This is due to an anticipated intensification of Russian military operations in the area. The officials say that if Ukraine doesn't withdraw before then, its troops risk being encircled by Russian forces.